images klondike gold rush miners.

Guest00706-29 06:38 PMMy stupid big law firm delayed filing until monday this week. With all this hoopla.. Any ideas or rumors floating around about ppl who did not get reciept yet.
wallpaper gold rush miner. gold rush
lotsofspace01-26 08:58 PMIt really is amazing how much hot air has been generated on this thread over a well established transit visa requirement.
The list of nationals that are required to have a visa to transit the UK represents a list of countries where there has been a particular problem with over stayers. It is not race based, but merely an effort to target the problem.
Do you seriously think the people from all the countries listed overstayed ?
It really does not matter what anyone thinks about the transit visa requirement because it is UK law. Everyone has a choice whether or not to transit the UK. Going back to the original post, to book a ticket without researching visa requirements and then trying to deflect personal responsibility by blaming the visa requirement is ridiculous.
The whole point of the thread is to discuss how people are treated there and merits or otherwise in choosing this place as a transit point.
Do you see any one demanding or representing your queen to abolish this TV requirement ? If you had followed the thread most people are suggesting to avoid this place rather than to fight them. Don't you get that point ?
How is charging different amounts for the same kind of visa and refusing to correct the mistake OP's personal responsibility ?
rag123204-01 02:30 PMMy lawyer told me that dates may move to Jan 2007 for EB2I in May visa bulletin. Happy weekend!!!
2011 A party of gold miners near
royus7706-29 07:45 PMAllowing to file on July 02 or July 03 depends on visa numbers available which in turn depends usage the preceding month. If all the numbers are used up (meaning Immigration Officers have requested visas from DOS in the process of approving pending I-485) they cannot allow anyone to file on July 02 or July 03 and so on.
I guess currently race is on from USCIS to consume Visa numbers (40,000 or so) from DOS at unprecedented pace. That's why bulletin hasn't changed as yet. USCIS on its part is possibly trying to avoid flood of application at all cost, even if it requires working extra hours (and approving as many cases as possible) if it can save them later. DOS will NOT move the date back until the numbers are used up or near used up. I guess race is on....we will know on Monday. One way to know how true this is will be watching I-485 approvals from now till Monday. We are caught in the tug of war between USCIS and DOS. CIRCus isn't over is back in town again !!!
Can they reject applications that received on 2 july ....logically if the application was received when the Visa date is current it should be accepted. Have to see the timing of the DOS bulletin as they may make it unavailble effective "Now" rather than effective from :" yesterday " if we didnt see any revision to VB today, people whose application received on Monday may be safe ..lets hope
kumar111-20 01:40 PMDo things in this order -
1. Find a job first.
2. Secure a good apartment at new job's location.
3. If you need a better car buy one right now.
4. Get some credit cards.
5. Let your home go to foreclosure.
It is a financial decision. Every once in a while, most of us go to different stores and ask them to match the price for the item that we had purchased earlier. If they do not match the price then we return that item. Don't we? Do not get sentimental. Just walk off! Your credit history would get screwed but if you plan it the way I said above, you will be fine. Good luck.
And it won't affect your GC.
Sandeep02-17 02:15 PMreply from john miller
Dear Sir,
Many thanks for your interesting email, which I forwarded to a colleague based in the United States.
I understand it must be hard for somebody in your situation. But anecdotal evidence and statistics suggest that however hard life is for immigrants in the United States, it's even harder for immigrants in Europe.
Thanks again,
John Miller.
What if I say that my anecdotal evidence does not support his anecdotal evidence? Anyway it is anecdotal. Statistics also say that people are preferring to go to Europe to study - what about that? And I did not know that we were doing a relative research.:)
gc2826208-20 06:43 PMLingo was a good service till vonage announced this deal.
Lingo has 3 cents to India on World plan $21.95/Month.
Lingo has a 2 year contract. If you leave them before 2 years, need to pay $100 penalty.
2010 During the gold rush
Openarms03-12 05:39 PMThe problem with IV core is they want to solve all the problems at once...which never going to happen... I really do not understand why they are not making this as an Action item and raise donations. let us make this sri1309 letter final and start sending it to congress (house, sensate members)
sri130901-06 07:41 AMAfter staying legally for so long, and suffering due to administrative lapses, I think we must ask for Citizenship. Nothing wrong absolutely. Just compare yourself with your friend who is applying for Citizenship, though you are equally eligible. Dont ask for less. NOthing against who got in.
When you have fulfilled the requirements, then you must get what you deserve.
When we post our requests and stories on sites incl obama'ssite, do make sure you mention about Citizenship also. Its not easy to settle back home with some situations like children etc..
hair The Klondike Gold Rush (1896)
pappu01-07 07:11 PMLETTER TEMPLATE #3
The Honorable George W. Bush
President of the United States
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Dear Mr. President:
My name is <<FIRST NAME>> <<LAST NAME>> and I have been living as a tax-paying and law-abiding individual in the United States since <<YEAR>>. I work for <<COMPANY>> in <<CITY>> <<STATE>> as <<JOB TITLE>>. Although my employer intends for me to continue working permanently, the green card process so severely backlogged that I will wait another <<EXPECTED WAIT YEARS>> before becoming a permanent resident of the United States.
Waiting in this probationary limbo is really starting to affect the quality of my life. It is an unnecessary burden to keep renewing temporary visas year after year and face an element of risk every time I return from international travel; but the worst of all is that wait times are becoming longer and longer, sometimes 6-12 years, and I will be forced to start the entire process over again if I choose to accept a promotion anytime in between. The broken legal immigration system is badly in need of fixes.
Mr. President, your Domestic Policy Council has recognized the importance of employment-based immigration in the February 2006 report on the American Competitiveness Initiative which states:
"The President also recognizes that enabling the world's most talented and hardest-working individuals to put their skills to work for America will increase our entrepreneurship and our international competitiveness, and will net many high-paying jobs for all Americans. The United States benefits from our ability to attract and retain needed immigrant and non-immigrant students and workers, and it is important that America remains competitive in attracting talented foreign nationals."
I appeal to you, Mr. President, to facilitate the retention of the best and brightest from around the world by executing the following administrative fixes as an immediate interim measure:
• Recapture administratively the unused visas for permanent residency to fulfill the congressional mandate of 140,000 green cards per year.
• Revise the administrative definition of "same or similar" to allow slight additional job flexibility for legal immigrants awaiting adjudication of adjustment of status (I-485) petitions.
• Allow filing of Adjustment of Status (Form I-485) when a visa number is not available.
• Implement the existing interim rule to allow issuance of multi-year Employment Authorization Documents (EAD) and Advance Parole.
• Allow visa revalidation in the United States.
• Reinstate premium processing of Immigrant Petitions.
I am only one among over 500000 highly skilled immigrants represented by Immigration Voice, and we are all counting on you to give us this much needed breathing room while we wait in line to live our American dream.
Thank you very much for considering my requests.
Yours Sincerely,
aj_jadeja02-20 03:36 PMhow about this ?
hot and The Gold Rush miner.
addsf34501-04 01:34 PMany updates on this issue? any meeting with CIS officials? Please share latest updates.
house the Klondike Gold Rush,
logiclife02-09 01:54 PMNumbers USA and FAIR painted Sen. Specter and other pro-immigration forces as dark demons who sneaked 8001 and 8002 into budget reconcilation bill. "SNEAKY". "Specter tried to SNEAK immigrants into the budget recon bill".
Hmm. So sneaking unrelated provisions in bills is wrong. "Its evil" sayeth numbers usa.
Looks like the sneaking is not un-common. And our own Rev. Frist and Denny Hastert seem to have SNEAKED a relief for drug companies into the Defense appropriations bills.
I wonder how is that related. Maybe the drug companies make drugs that benefit the US military that needs an appropriations bill and hence the drug-company relieft provisions are tied to Defense appropriations bill.
Sneaky sneaky sneaky. Mr Tancredo, is this for sneaky???HUH?? And numbersusa...what sayeth thou about thy Hastert and thy Reverand Doctor tele-diagnostics Frist??
And this SNEAK effort was so sneaky, it even bypassed the conference committee. At least Specter was sneaking it with the knowledge of conference committee where Tancredo types had a chance to protest.
tattoo the Klondike Gold Rush
babu12306-29 05:38 PMIt is going to be true. otherwise mathew wont shut down his work and post that AILF is going file law suit.
I am suspecting that they made current because of lobby made by some big heads inorder to get support to pass the immigration bill.
Since the immigration bill failed, DOS is going back to retrogression.
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shantak07-10 10:07 PM
dresses A California Gold Rush
eb_retrogession01-05 02:46 PMAll,
Its good to see some of the Very active members of s-1932 again in this site.
This site looks very good, I followed the S1932 thread in very closely, but was disappointed after its defeat inspite all the guys aggressive enthu and hardwork. As most people i too feel that we failed because of lack of Lobbying. If everyone can contribute for noble cause that will be great. I have a small suggestion I am not sure whether it sounds right to everyone or not, but in order to start collecting the funds i would suggest that Moderator open a new thread/link about the contributions so that members who are joining eveyday in this forum will get the momentum to contribute. It would be good if it has name(Registered name), amount and date and the sum collected so far. This is just my suggestion if it sounds illogic please disregard.
Your suggestions are welcome. We have also received requests wherein people don't want their contributions disclosed. Anyway since this is a voluntary donation, we will post some kind of overall numbers in terms of collections versus target which should help.
Hope that helps the premise of your suggestion
makeup pictures New Gold Rush in
arihant02-24 03:54 PMDoes anyone understand what is used to calculate the 3 year period for advanced degree olders?
Is the end of the three year period considered when you applied for LC, or when you apply for 485/140? Since, technically, people who are pending at the BEC as well as those who are affected by retrogression are still on NIV, and have not applied for immigrant Visa yet.
This point will have an impact on a lot of folks who may have applied for LC less than three years after getting their Degree but would have crossed that limit by the time they can apply for the immigrant Visa.
girlfriend Image of gold fever miners.
gcwait09-02 08:33 PMPlease send me email so that i can subscribe this service
hairstyles The Georgia Gold Rush was the
abhis009-25 08:19 PMMessage Sent
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Sent mail to all.....Sent email to local congressman.....sent postal mail to Senator......Hope something good comes up for all those whose receipts are held up.
old_hat05-11 12:14 AMSee the url below.
"The Computing Research Association's annual Taulbee Survey of 192 U.S. universities with doctoral programs found that total enrollment by majors and pre-majors in computer science increased 6.2% last year. If only declared majors are considered, the figure jumps to an 8.1% increase, the first boost in computer science majors in six years. "
Are you happy now? Since H1-B quota is reduced, more students are considering computer science as a viable option. If H1-B is limited only for genuine requirements by american companies for the best and brightest and not used as displacing american companies by indian crooks from TCS/INFY etc., even more americans will go for those degrees.
Are you satisfied? Now get lost!!
Go f*** urself. It was your fellow country-men (a jerk desparately trying to immigrate to US) who was making nonsense incest allegations first in this forum about americans. Do you get it,IDIOT, before lecturing me?
I don't give a damn what your epics say or what you practice in India. All I pointed out was teh corruption in India pointed out by international agencies compared to western democracies.
dude, not a meaningful response. I asked you to give me the break up of foreign students. the report just talks about total number of students increasing. And again it nowhere gives data to suggest that responder thinks that reduction of h1 visa numbers is the reason. I will give you a very simple reason. It took tech sector a good 3-4 years to get out of the dot com mess!
Dude it seems you are not doing too well in IT but you should thank your stars that you did not consider the alternative career of law. you would have been massacred. your points are vague. you make utterances that tie yourself in knots and you throw words you know very little about. Start with naimg two indian epics.. next step find brahma there.
btw "f** u" does not qualify as an argument. you can thrust it where you are speaking from.
H1B-GC02-02 04:03 PMeb_retrogression,
Can you post the article here? I'm not able to get to it.
Here you go ::p
President Takes Dual Tack on Immigration
White House Seeks Tougher Enforcement,
While Pushing Idea of Guest-Worker Program
February 2, 2006; Page A8
WASHINGTON -- President bush drew big applause during his State of the Union address with a renewed call for "a rational, humane guest-worker program" to keep the economy humming.
But that appeal came only after Mr. Bush issued a much sterner one first -- for tougher enforcement of immigration laws, more vigilance on the border and an immigration policy that "reflects our values."
The message Mr. Bush delivered to lawmakers is the same one an increasingly vocal anti-immigration chorus is sending to him: First get tough; then we'll talk.
Mr. Bush was cheered by an unlikely alliance of pro-business Republicans, Democrats, unions and immigrant groups when he called for a guest-worker program in his State of the Union address two years ago. But the idea has hit a wall of opposition from the party's cultural conservatives and security hawks who first want to stop the flood of illegal immigrants into the U.S. (See related article.)
In December, the House of Representatives passed legislation that would, among other things, extend a short wall on the border with Mexico to 700 miles. The Senate, which had planned to overhaul immigration laws when it takes up its own bill in a few weeks, now also is under pressure from some Republicans to toughen border controls first.
As immigration soars to an all-time high, that get-tough argument is gaining political steam. With the 2006 elections still 10 months away, a half-dozen candidates are running for national office on pledges to stop illegal immigration. Bills on the issue, many denying benefits to illegal immigrants, have been introduced in 31 state legislatures.
• Can President's Plan Keep America Competitive?
• Bush's Energy Plan Faces Hurdles
• Industry Cheers Cleaner-Coal Push
• Full Text: Read the complete prepared text of the address.
• Question of the Day: Which topic should the Bush administration make its top priority this year?
And polls show mounting voter unease about immigration: A December 2005 Wall Street Journal-NBC poll found that 57% of those questioned think the U.S. is "too open to immigrants."
"It's astonishing how much this has become an issue across the country," says Brian Bilbray, a San Diego Republican who hopes to return to the U.S. House of Representatives this year after spending the past six years as a lobbyist for the Federation for American Immigration Reform, which wants to restrict immigration.
But for all the emotion immigration is stirring up, political operatives in both parties warn that it isn't an issue that rallies voters. "Will this impact your electoral ambitions?" asks Ryan Ellis of the conservative group Americans for Tax Reform, who has studied the role immigration played in recent elections. "All history has indicated 'no,' whether you're in Arizona or Maine," he answers.
It didn't prove a successful strategy for the Virginia governor's race in November. Republican Jerry Kilgore seized late in the campaign on the issue of taxpayer-funded job centers for illegal immigrants, and in a stinging television ad asked of his Democratic opponent, "What part of illegal does Tim Kaine not understand?" Although immigration was only one issue in the campaign, Mr. Kaine won with 52% of the vote.
Likewise, in December, in a special House election in California's Orange County -- where illegal immigration is a flashpoint -- Jim Gilchrist, founder of the Minuteman Project, a volunteer border-patrol group, won just 25% of the vote.
Mr. Ellis of Americans for Tax Reform also points to seven 2004 Republican primaries where immigration-restriction candidates never won more than 46% of the vote. Among those beating back challenges: Arizona Congressmen James Kolbe and Jeff Flake, who are sponsors of a House bill that would let illegal immigrants earn legal residency in the U.S.
Candidates who want to restrict immigration seem not to fare well because very few people worry enough about immigration to vote on it -- even though many of them tell pollsters they're worried. In the Wall Street Journal-NBC poll, 78% of those questioned favored "tightening" the border with Mexico -- but only 7% said illegal immigration was their biggest national concern.
Immigration is "a loud debate that produces few voters," says Frank Sharry, director of the National Immigration Forum, a Washington immigrants-rights group.
But that doesn't mean immigration won't be talked about this campaign season. Most prominently among 2006 candidates, Rep. Tom Tancredo, a Colorado Republican, is toying with a symbolic run for the White House. Among other things, Mr. Tancredo wants to deport the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants now in the U.S. and deny citizenship to the U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants.
Immigration restrictionists also have announced runs for governor in Colorado, for the U.S. Senate from California and for a smattering of House seats. San Diego's Mr. Bilbray is running in an April primary to succeed former Rep. Randall "Duke" Cunningham while also pursuing a class-action lawsuit that would prevent California public colleges from offering in-state tuition to illegal aliens.
Some state legislatures are considering extending in-state tuition, health benefits and driver's licenses to illegal immigrants, even while others want to ban such benefits. In Ohio, a statehouse Republican has said he is considering an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to exclude illegal immigrants from the census counts that are used to apportion Congressional seats.
Bills in New Hampshire and North Carolina would require local policemen to enforce federal immigration laws, and one in Virginia would require proof of legal residency to obtain a marriage license.
With Republicans largely leading the anti-immigration charge, the issue is causing heartburn for the national party, which was hoping that its generally pro-immigration stand would help it pick up Hispanic voters. Twelve years ago, California's Republican Gov. Pete Wilson won re-election in part by campaigning for a ballot measure that would deny benefits to illegal aliens -- a rare instance where an anti-immigration stand won the day.
But a decade passed before Republicans won the governor's office again, and they still haven't won back Hispanic voters. "It was a metaphor for short-term gain, long-term loss," says the National Immigration Forum's Mr. Sharry.
Republican pollster Ed Goeas says he urges his clients to talk about solutions to illegal immigration instead of focusing on emotion-charged issues like immigrant job centers if they want to win. His firm, the Tarrance Group, does polling for several immigration-restriction candidates, including Mr. Tancredo, he says.
But in anticipation of the 2006 elections, he's also running voter focus groups to help candidates handle such volatile issues as amnesty for illegal immigrants and whether to allow guest workers to eventually stay in the U.S. After voters let off steam, he says, focus groups show that immigration "becomes a very reasoned conversation very quickly."
Write to June Kronholz at
Source : Wall Street Journal : 02/01/2006
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